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How to Get More Energy and Improve Health

Everyday we struggle to balance our responsibilities with our personal goals and wants. In this struggle we often find that there are either not enough hours in the day, or that we do not have enough energy to get everything accomplished. While we can't stretch the hours in a day, we can change our habits to give ourselves more energy. Rather than depending on artificial sources of energy just to make it through the day, there are several things that can be incorporated into your lifestyle that give you more energy, make you healthier, and contribute to your overall well being and longevity.

It seems like common sense that the better you eat, the healthier you will be. Although a total diet overhaul may take time, there are some simple dietary choices that you can make everyday that will give you the energy and endurance you need to feel your best. Fruit is a low calorie source of natural energy. Fruits like strawberries, oranges, bananas, and pineapples are packed with vitamins and natural sugars that give you energy and don't take any time to prepare.

Visit the Healthy Food Ideas tab for easy ways to enjoy fruit.

It is also important to consume the appropriate amount of protein everyday. Not only does protein contribute to muscular heath which improves your overall endurance, but it is also a healthier source of calories than foods high in fat or carbohydrates.

Moderate, Regular Exercise
Everyone has different fitness goals when it comes to the shape of their body. However, even the person who is not looking to lose weight or increase muscle definition can benefit from moderate, regular exercise. Regular exercise conditions the heart, improves circulation, and increases your energy levels. Although starting a new exercise routine may make you feel tired at first, if you stick with it, you will notice improved endurance and the ability to make it through the day with energy to spare.

Proper Rest EVERYDAY
With all of the responsibilities we face everyday, it can be difficult to get the recommended 8 hours of sleep every night. This is why it is important to set a schedule for yourself that allows for appropriate
rest. When you are well rested, you have more energy, you can focus better, and your body will function more efficiently. Poor sleeping habits can cause weight gain and throw off your body's natural balances, resulting in poorer health.

Stress Management
Stress can be devastating to your body and energy levels. It can cause you to lose sleep, and according to The Franklin Institute, stress “overloads the brain with powerful hormones that are intended only for short-term duty in emergency situations. Their cumulative effect damages and kills brain cells.” Minimizing everyday causes of stress can make the body healthier and better able to handle unavoidable stress. Schedules, designated work and rest time, and a strong support system are all ways to help manage daily stress.

Read Managing Stress and Weight Loss for more stress management techniques.

Endorphins are neurotransmitters produced by the brain and are responsible for our feeling of happiness and well-being. Just as stress causes our bodies to release harmful chemicals, being happy can release endorphins and make you feel better and even healthier. Exercising, being in love, and generally enjoying yourself are all things that can cause the brain to release endorphins and contribute to your overall sense of well-being. So laugh, it really will help you feel better.

Balanced Hormones
There are many things that can cause your hormones to be out of balance including certain medications, pregnancy, stress, lack of sleep, and diet. When your hormones are out of balance, you can experience fatigue, acne, lack of interest, and can be overall grumpy. Eating a proper diet, managing daily stress, and getting proper rest can help your body maintain its natural balance and keep you feeling your best. In addition, there are natural herbs and supplements you can take, such as Rhodiola and Omega-3 fatty acids, that assist your body's endocrine system in maintaining a healthy hormonal balance.

About 70% of the human body is composed of water. When the body does not get enough water, systems fail to function properly and the entire body suffers. This can cause you to feel tired. Even exercising and eating healthy are pointless if you do not drink the amount of water necessary for your body to recover after exercising and digest what you eat. Staying hydrated throughout the day will allow your body to function properly and combat the drained feeling caused by dehydration. So drink 8-10 8oz. glasses of water throughout the day to stay healthy and hydrated.

Everyone needs a little help eating a balanced diet from time to time, right? We may not consume all of the vitamins and minerals we need in our normal diet and our overall health and energy levels suffer for it. Even eating the recommended servings of fruits and veggies may leave you lacking vitamins as much of today's produce is grown in nutrient deficient soil. Taking a multi-vitamin everyday can help supplement the vitamins and minerals your body may be missing from your diet and can also help you feel more energized.

*Always consult your doctor before taking any new supplements.

The Franklin Institute: The Human Brain


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