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How To Improve Heart Health

The goal of optimal health extends beyond your weight or waist size.  Fitness for your internal health is just as, if not more, important than your physical appearance.  This is why it is necessary to take steps to improve the inside as well.  It is essential to maintain good heart health since this vital organ pumps blood through our bodies, distributes important materials, and removes waste. There are three things that you can do everyday to improve your cardiovascular health and tell your heart that you truly love it.

Exercise Regularly
The heart is essentially a large muscle that functions as a pump. By exercising regularly, you can improve the efficiency and capabilities of this pump as you strengthen the muscle. Moderate cardiovascular exercise for 30 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week is ideal for most adults to maintain good heart health. Running, swimming, biking, and yoga are all excellent aerobic exercises that help condition the heart. Make sure you always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program, especially if you have any health conditions.  

Eat Healthy
Foods that are high in fat can clog the arteries and adversely effect your heart health. Avoiding food that are high in fat will improve your cholesterol and reduce your chances of heart disease. Fruits and vegetables are great substitutes for fatty foods as they are filled with antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrients necessary to maintain a healthy heart.

Reduce Stress
As we take on stress, our hearts beat faster and adrenaline pumps quickly through our veins.  While the body is designed to create this reaction to stress, when a stressful state is maintained for too long, these effects can be damaging to the heart and the body as a whole. Creating a stress prevention and management plan will help combat these adverse effects that can put additional strain on the heart. Meditating, taking quiet time for yourself, and staying organized are all great ways to manage and reduce stress.


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