weight can help you look sexy, but it can also reduce your risk of illnesses such as heart attack and
stroke -- talk about a win-win. Gaining upper-body strength can help you knockout everyday
tasks and make you more confident in your favorite tank tops. You can
shed those extra pounds by cutting down calories with diet and
exercise; and you can take on the straight bar by gradually
increasing your upper-body strength.
Lose Weight
Step 1
Eat a healthy diet that focuses on plant-based foods and limits extra fats, carbohydrates and sugars like fried foods, pastries and sweets.Step 2
Create a calorie deficit by eliminating your intake of high calorie items with low nutritional value such as coffee during breakfast, soda at lunch or ice cream after dinner. Refrain from adding extra items to your meals like sour cream, dressings and mayo; 3,500 calories equals one pound of fat, so limiting empty calories like these can decrease your caloric intake and help you cut down your weight faster.Need a Calorie Counter to help with your diet?
Step 3
Substitute high calorie foods for lower calorie options such as skim milk instead of whole milk, sparkling water instead of soda, or fruit after dinner instead of a sugary desert to further reduce your caloric intake.Try these yummy Zero Calorie Foods!
Step 4
Moderate your portions by eating less at each meal. Use a plate instead of eating out of a container to help moderate portion size. Put slightly less food on your plate than you usually eat, or think you can eat. Eat more food only if you are truly still hungry. Eat slowly and allow your food time to digest before eating seconds.Step 5
Engage in high intensity interval-style cardio, or HIIT, three to five days per week to help burn more calories than diet alone. Exercise for 20 minutes per workout by alternating periods of intense exercise with periods of moderate exercise.Get some ideas for HIIT exercises!
Step 6
Engage in moderate weight training three days per week. Focus on working large muscles groups by doing exercises such as squats, lunges and push ups.Do More Pull Ups
Step 1
Use a pull up bar and determine the current amount of pull ups you can do by performing the maximum number of reps you can fully complete. Write down the number of reps as a reference. Put one foot on a chair or stool when you do pull ups to help hold some of your body weight if you can not complete one rep.Step 2
Do the maximum amount of reps you can fully complete each set, even if it is only one or you have to use a stool. Complete 10 sets of that number of reps each workout session. Take breaks between sets as necessary. Perform this routine two to three times a week, giving your self at least one day off in between workouts to rest your muscles.Step 3
Gradually increase the number of reps by adding one rep per set each week, or as your strength improves.Tips
out with a partner to help you with motivation and to help spot you
while doing pull ups if you need assistance. Wear appropriate workout
clothing and supportive shoes.
You may also need Athletic Shoes With Ventilation.
You may also need Athletic Shoes With Ventilation.
consult with your doctor before you begin a new diet or exercise
routine. They can assess your health condition to determine which
types of foods are best for you and which types of exercises are
listen to your body when exercising. Do not continue exercising if it
becomes painful, or if you feel too weak to continue.
What's your favorite weight loss strategy? Share below in the comments section!
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Photo credit: adrian valenzuela
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