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Should I Do Squats?

Squats are an ideal exercise as they tone the glutes, thighs, core and lower back. They can be done with or without weights to achieve more or less muscle definition. Doing squats can cause your butt and thighs to get more muscular, and adding aerobic exercise to your routine can ensure you stay lean while your tone.

Squats aren't just an exercise for your glutes. Doing squats can also help tone your core, lower back and the muscles in your thighs including the hamstrings, quadriceps and abductors. You can do different variations of the squat to engage each of these muscle groups. Squats are also a functional exercise, mimicking many of the movements you make doing every day activities.

Compound exercises like squats can add mass to your lower body, however, if you're looking to lose fat, you also need to engage in aerobic exercise. If you're looking to tone and get lean, incorporating cardio exercise into your weekly routine and a moderate amount of weight training will help you get the results you want.

Using just your body weight is a good way to tone with squats. You can also start by squatting with light weights, such as 5-pound dumbbells in each hand, to increase muscle tone and the intensity of the workout. As you get stronger, you can increase the amount if you are looking for bigger muscles.  Women, don't be afraid to pick up the weights, you won't end up looking like a bodybuilder. You will simply look more toned and shapely.

Performing a squat properly ensures that you don't injure yourself while you work the desired muscle groups. Start with your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart. Inhale as you squat down and keep your hamstrings at least parallel with the ground. The deeper you squat, the more you engage your leg muscles. Exhale as you come up and keep your back flat to slightly arched, according to

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