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Calorie Counter

Want to find out how many calories are in the foods you are eating?  Enter your food into the calorie counter to get calorie information as well as nutrition facts.

Knowing how many calories you eat can help you reach your weight loss goals.  One pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories.  By eating fewer calories, you can burn body fat and lose weight.  Choosing the right foods will help your eat fewer calories, but this doesn't have to make your diet miserable. Try these delicious zero-calorie food options that will make you look forward to your diet.

So how much do you need to cut calories to lose weight?  This number is different for everyone and is based on body size.  Everyone needs to eat a different number of calories when at rest.  You can find out how many calories you need at rest by using the basal metabolic rate calculator.  Once you determine how many calories you need at rest, you'll know how many calories to eat to create a deficit and lose weight.  Remember, one pound is equal to 3,500 calories.  Eating 500 fewer calories each day can help you lose about a pound a week.

Exercise is a great way to burn calories, and when combined with a healthy diet, can help you achieve your weight loss goals even faster.  Find out how many calories you are burning during basic exercise to discover how much of a calorie deficit you are creating by working out.

So how long will all of this take?  Find out how long it will take to lose your target number of pounds based on your current calorie deficit with the weight loss calculator.  This will help you determine if you need to cut more calories or discover how long it will take to reach your goals.

Changing your body composition is also important in losing weight, since most people strive to lose weight to reduce body fat.  Find out how much body fat you have with the body mass index (BMI) calculator.  This can give you an idea of how much fat you have to lose to meet your fitness goals.

Other Calculators:
Protein Calculator 

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